Title:Revival and Renewal
Description:In November 1980, I presented a paper at the SPS Conference in Tulsa, Oklahoma entitled "The Pentecostal Charismatic Movement as Revivaland Renewal". It was printed in the issue of Pneuma for Spring 1981. As the title suggests, I wanted to present the Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements as contain in gelements of bath revival and renewal, arguing that one or other umcept on its own is not adequate to capture the character of the phenomenon as a whole.

I am returning to this subject because it still corresponds to issues that have been and remain important fir me as a Roman Catholic Christian, committed to what I would call an ecumenical vision of this whole outpouring of the Spirit. Part of this vision is a conviction that the Pentecostal and Charismatic movements are different fslcets or subdivisions in a larger phenomenon, and that they cannot be rightly interpreted in isolation from one onother. Another element in this vision is that the Charismatic renewal in the Roman Catholic Church is an intrinsic and distinctive element within the wider Charismatic movement, and that it is one of the most original features of the Charismatic movement; in a way that has no historical precedent, it is a movement that has touched both Evangelical Protestants and Roman Catholics.
Author(s):Peter Hocken
Source:The Journal of the European Pentecostal Theological Association
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