Title:The Historic Churches and the Messianic Jews
Description:TJCII is a vision for reconciliation between the Jewish and the Gentile parts of the body of Messiah.
The most difficult part of this enterprise, both humanly and spiritually, is the relationship between the ancient Churches of East and West, on the one hand, and the Messianic Jews on the other hand.

For the Messianic Jews, the Catholic and Orthodox Churches are seen as the major perpetrators of the age-long oppression and humiliation of the Jewish people, as well as those responsible for the various forms of replacement of the Jewish by the Gentile, including the replacement of the Sabbath by the Lord’s Day.
The veneration of Mary and the saints that constitutes a common element in the heritage of the ancient churches is perceived by the Messianic Jews as a sign of typically Gentile debasement of authentic Jewish monotheism.
Author(s):Father Peter Hocken
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